Step 1- Find Characters Find and open Character Map in windows. In windows 10 you can just search ‘character’ in the start menu and you should find it.
Change the font to ‘Marlett’ and you should see all the charcters that are commonly used in applications.
From here you can just double click on the characters you want to use and then click the Copy button next to the textbox.
Step 1 - Creating It Of course the first step if to Create your combo box and assign it an appropriate Name.
Step 2 - Adding Items I put all of the things I wanted into a string array for easy accessibility and readability. My code is set out like this:
Categories = new string[9]; Categories[0] = "Action"; Categories[1] = "Adventure"; Categories[2] = "Comedy"; Categories[3] = "Crime"; Categories[4] = "Drama"; Categories[5] = "Horror"; Categories[6] = "Science fiction"; Categories[7] = "Thriller"; Categories[8] = "Western"; CategoryDropdown.
Step 1 Import System.Diagnostics: using System.Diagnostics;
Step 2 Initialise the timer & start it: Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start();
Step 3 Stop the timer: timer.Stop();
Step 4 Display stopwatch results: Console.WriteLine(overallTimer.Elapsed.Seconds.ToString() + "s");
You can use a multiple amount of different timings such as:
Milliseconds Minutes Hours Days You can put ‘Total’ before the unit of timing to give the exact amount of time taken:
How There are two methods for this. The first method will keep adding on the new data to the bottom of the text file, whilst the second method will overwrite all previous things in the text file whenever new data is written.
Method 1 (Don't overwrite Any Data) TextWriter saveData = new StreamWriter(@"C:\Path\To\TextFile.txt", true); saveData.
What? If you are having problems getting your browser to update CSS on your web page then this post will definitely help you. There are mainly two different methods I will be showing you.
Method 1 - Clearing Cache If you press F12, you now be able to right click on the refresh button and click the last option which is Empty Cache & Hard Reload.
What? When I say ‘subdomain’ I am talking about the part that comes before the actual domain.
So the subdomain in this URL is the part that says log.
You can use subdomains to redirect to a different server which can show different content, but in this post, you will learn how to make a subdomain redirect to a directory in your site.
What? If you go to your site and put a folder in the address bar instead of a file you will be greeted with folder indexing, which allows people to look at whatever is in that folder/directory. When allowed anyone can type in a ’normal’ folder into the address bar on your site and then be greeted with an easy way of seeing every folder and every file on your site.
What? Instead of protecting the whole directory on your site there is a way to protect individual files in that directory.
How? Before you start: Finish this tutorial here and then come back to complete this one
Ok, once you have finished the other tutorial you can simply add the following code around the code you already have inside of your .
What Will You Be Using? To properly protect your directories/files on your public web server you will want to use back-end password protection. Front-end protecting with using things like JavaScript will not be very protecting of your files because, someone who goes on your page could simply click F12 and change your code, so they can type in a password they want it to be.
What? A subdomain looks something like this:
You will recognise one because it will have text before the actual domain, something like the www. you see before most sites. Luckily we have the .htaccess file because this all becomes a lot easier once you get into it.
How? 1.Make sure you have made your .