• Making .htaccess And .htpassword
    27 April, 2019 WebDev
    How? One thing to note is that .htaccess files do not have a file type. Just make sure you dont end up with something like: .htaccess.txt Simply create a text document, open it up with any text editor then go to file » Save as. When in the save as menu, click on Save as type, then change it to All types.
  • Finding Directory of File Using PHP
    27 April, 2019 WebDev PHP
    What? If you are using a hosting provider that doesn’t tell you exactly where the directory of your files are you are going to have to use other methods of finding this out. One of the methods which I think is the simplest is using a small PHP script which will tell you exactly where you file is.
  • Simple Calculator Python
    27 April, 2019 Python
    What? This simple calculator program will allow the user to enter two (or more if you wish) numbers and then choose a method to use (+, -, /, *). We will use if statements. How? Well, first we need to add 3 (or more) variables. The first two will be holding the user’s numbers and the third will be the method they want to use (Both variables will be asking for the user’s input as well).
  • On Click Refresh JavaScript
    27 April, 2019 JavaScript
    What? If you have been looking to refresh the page with JavaScript, you are lucky. I have three different methods of achieving this, with the last two being pretty similar. I am going to make an image on my page (You can use anything such as text or a button) and then add the onclick function to it, so when it is clicked it refreshes the page.
  • Rockyou.txt
    27 April, 2019 Interesting
    What's This? rockyou.txt is a text document filled with over 14 million cracked passwords. It is filled with easily crackable passwords. Repo
  • Hosting your Hugo Site
    27 April, 2019 Hugo
    What? Hugo is a static site generator which can be used to make fast, accessible and overall fast web pages. This page will show you how to get your Hugo site up and running either on a web server of yours or on Github pages. How? First Steps Fully delete the public folder inside of your Hugo site.
  • Suddenly Not Seeing Shared Devices On Network Win10
    27 April, 2019 Configuration
    What? As you may know, Homegroup was removed from Windows 10 and the new Network tab replaced it. It is essentially the same thing, you can share files between different PCs across your network. I use this tool a lot when sharing files between PCs and it is very useful, whilst working. If you have suddenly had your network tab stop showing certain PCs on your network consider this fix
  • Remove all Empty Lines Notepad++
    27 April, 2019 Configuration
    What? If you have thousands or maybe just hundreds of empty lines in a text document you have, you may want to know how to remove all of the empty lines without having to manually do it. To be clear I have used this in Notepad++, I am not sure if it would work anywhere else.
  • In-Built Windows Screenshot Tool
    27 April, 2019 Configuration Interesting
    What? Everyone knows about the old Snipping Tool that may have been used to screenshot certain things, to share or put in documents. There is now an easier to access tool which allows you to take screenshots quickly and then have them in your clipboard to paste somewhere. It is honestly kind of a shame they didn’t add more features to the new screenshotting tool.
  • Add 'Open Command Window Here' to Context Menu
    27 April, 2019 Configuration
    What? When you Shift + Right Click on a folder you get to see more options. Normally without any configuration, you only see the Open PowerShell Window Here. If you follow the steps below you will learn how to add the Open Command Window Here option to the context menu. Adding To Context Menu Open Run by searching it on the start menu or pressing Win Key + R.